Eco Floristry Supplies
Addressing Print & Packaging challenges
Everyone, in all industry sectors, needs to play their part in addressing the environmental issues we are facing.
Dynamic Print are constantly seeking to provide eco-friendly and sustainable print and packaging solutions for all industry sectors. We have a dedicated subsidiary division that focuses on these challenges, in the specific area of Floristry, which trades as Eco Flower Supplies.
Understandably the pressure is on the Floristry industry to become increasingly eco-friendly and to work in a sustainable way. Amongst the challenges faced are the requirements to move away from plastic packaging in favour of recycled, easily recyclable and sustainable materials. Good examples of solutions are kraft paper, recycled card and biodegradable cellophane.
There is the ongoing search for biodegradable floral foam which is seeing alternatives such as chicken wire, wood wool, willow and reeds increasingly used as options that are fully recyclable or biodegradable.
Alongside these issues there are choices to be made around the flowers used, the distance they have to travel to the UK, the green credentials of suppliers, avoiding chemicals and pesticides whenever possible and flower life extension.
A lot of challenges certainly, yet equally a lot of opportunities for improvement! Floristry is without doubt an industry that wants to change and adapt. We are yet to speak to anyone who is adamant they want to continue using plastic wrap for floral bouquets, or printed items using non recycled card.
Recently we have had an increasing number of customers from the Floristry sector ask us directly for ways we can help their business switch to sustainable eco-friendly floristry supplies, from our one piece kraft paper flower sleeves to biodegradable eco cellophane. We are constantly thinking of new ways to upcycle materials from Dynamic Print into quality items that ensure maximum first usage of items such as recycled card or plantable seeded paper before it goes into the recycling system.
Ultimately with we specialise in our world of packaging and print. Yet we know that when it comes to the day to day requirements of Florists and Floral industry professionals up and down the UK, the people who know best the products and innovations required are those working day to day with the flowers.
With all of the above in mind we would welcome any ideas for new products, or variations on our existing ones, that would make Florists days easier and in turn their businesses more successful. All whilst moving the industry further down the eco friendly and sustainable path.
If you have a few minutes to send us a message on email, would like to call us with your suggestions or have any questions on our product range we would love to hear from you.
To contact us you can email on or call on 01603 400040